We strive to reach out to those in our community affected by incarceration and its devasting collateral consequences. Often those most affected are not the ones locked up, but family, children, and loved ones left behind.
We have developed a small “Make and Do” crew to help us give back to the community. Contact us if you have a sewing, crocheting, or knitting skill you’d like to share.
Our Holiday Cuddle Blanket Give-Away
We distributed hand-made cuddle blankets to children with an incarcerated parent. Our cuddle blankets were our way of giving a hug and giving support. Through our IG page, we reached 27 families.
We loved giving cuddles and hugs to these beautiful children! Take a look at some of these faces!!
Hats to the Homeless
Our crew also made and delivered warm handmade hats to people experiencing homelessness and transitions this Valentine’s Day. It’s been a cold winter – but this warms our hearts.